Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gaffney, SC

It is February, so this must be Gaffney, SC.

Yep; we come to the Freightliner Service Center each year for our annual chassis service. Who knows this chassis better? They built it! We do it in February to take a shakedown run before our spring trip, which is usually started towards the end of March.

The last two years I showed pictures of the parking area we stay in overnight when we get here. I wised up and will show you some of the people that make it happen here. Here is Pat who handles appointments and acts as cashier, so she gets you here and then gets your money. She is a great person to talk to when you are trying to figure out what you are going to need to have done. She is very knowledgeable, and VERY nice.
Pat keeps everything sorted out!

Yesterday we drove to Hardeeville, SC and got set up before the rain started. We headed over to the home of Nina and Archie Sellew for dinner as the rain started. It got pretty nasty eventually, but wow, was dinner worth it. It is always a treat to visit Nina and Archie.

We got back to the RV to find that the bedroom slide seal is allowing water intrusion. This started in early December while I was at Ft. DeSoto, but I thought it was a function of the high winds that accompanied the rain. Now I know it is just a damned leak, and one that needs to be addressed or it will cause damage to the interior. We pulled the slide in to stop the leaking, but in the process scraped all the water off the side of the slide on the way in and dumped even more water on the carpet. Yuck, when it rains it pours, right? It rained all night and early morning. It sounded great on the roof, but kept me wondering where the water would be coming in next.

We had a good drive up to Gaffney. Most of it was under dry skies, but it is raining once again and expected to continue through the night. Yes, the slide is in.

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