Monday, May 16, 2011

Key Largo, FL

Funny how these things come to mind, but on the way down to Key Largo I recalled the earliest joke my father told me. It was simple, but hey, I was just a kid.  “How can you tell a happy motorcyclist?” “By the bugs on his teeth!”

Are we having fun yet?

We got off from Orlando just before nine this morning with the hope of seeing the shuttle launch from the turnpike. Too cloudy, though, so we just pushed on south. Those of you that have spent any time in Florida recognize love bugs. We get these guys twice a year. If you travel early in the morning or at night you miss the joy. If you are running the length of the state you get the full dose. They have highly acidic juices when smashed so you need to get them off the paint as soon as you can. They do not come off easily, but drier sheets seem to work well once wet. Some folks Pam their front end before leaving, but I just can’t see oiling up the coach. About forty-five minutes of scrubbing got them off, and that was followed up by a good cleaning of the windshield to get off the stuff that got the bugs off. A Kalik topped things off nicely. No, not on the windshield. That is for internal consumption only!

We will top off our day by meeting Bob and Judi Stevens for dinner. Bob is a marine mammal veterinarian who works at Dolphin Plus, a dolphin experience facility in Key Largo that does wonderful therapeutic programs for people with learning or physical difficulties. He also works with stranded marine mammals such as a recent pod of pilot whales that beached here in the keys. We hope to visit those whales tomorrow in a rehabilitation facility here in Key Largo. You can see more about them at:

Bob is at the far left. Is that a cool job, or what?

More tomorrow as we actually get out to do stuff.

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